Bazaar Listings - Registered users will automatically have their bazaar listings added to TornZ, gaining you the exposure you crave. We'll use your api key to update your listings once per minute to keep your listings super fresh. You know you want to show everyone your junk. Traders will find you very attractive.
Travel Stock Predictor - Registered users can set their default travel location and item, so you don't need to click a bunch to find your travel forecast. You can also set your own time zone for easier grasp. Less thinking is good.
Install the TornZ companion browser script. It'll fetch the bazaar listings from TornZ and show them on your Torn item market.
Tons of data collection and a rediculously complicated algorithm. Accuracy not guaranteed. 'Please, don't judge me.' The data is generously provided by YATA, we ping the YATA API once per 15 minutes and store the data. The algo loops recent stock levels and 'calculates' an average stock cycle, including average time the item is sold out. This average cycle is then used to make the predictions. If you'd like to help the cause by feeding data to YATA, use the TornTools browser plugin and Torn PDA.
Your API key is not used in any way for the travel stock predictor.
A dwarf climbing down a prison wall.
If you've successfully added a valid Torn API key for your account, and if you have items listed in your bazaar, TornZ should pick them up and add them to our 'Shop Bazaars' page within sixty seconds. That is how frequently this system fetches your listings. If still no joy, go ahead and whine.
Your mommy. You know you're a bumbling dweeb. But really, I wholeheartedly invite you to post on the TornZ bazaar directory and browser script forum posts. If you prefer DMs, HMU at Ultrapro5000 on Torn. New feature ideas are welcomed, as are hugs and drugs. I'd say send a wine, but Torn isn't a community where anyone can be a hero.
An arm and a leg. Nah, it's free. We hope you find TornZ useful. If you do, please help spread the word.
Honestly, we wouldn't be here without Torn.com , Foreign stock data from YATA. TornZ tech stack is TALL ( Tailwind, Alpine, Laravel, and Livewire ). LIbraries used include Graph.js (chart), DaisyUI (UI components), Press Start 2P and Exo 2 and Nunito (fonts), GPT-4 (logo), Claude 3.5 Sonnet and TabNine and Cursor.ai (rapid coding assistance), and more. Eren the Genius sorted the hard stuff.